主要研究方向:① 纖維集合體微觀孔隙結構傳遞性能的基礎理論研究;② 功能性(保暖、過濾、負載等)纖維集合體的性能研究和應用設計。在以上方向發表SCI、EI和ISTP索引論文50餘篇,解決了運用數學手段量化纖維集合體熱量傳輸性能的評價手段和理論基礎發展的關鍵問題;同時,運用微納米仿生技術設計織物表面微觀排列結構,實現紡織品多功能化;還創新性地運用纖維集合體微觀孔隙結構界面性能解決體外生物醫用紡織品,如功能性敷料的負載性能設計與評價問題;授權和申請國家專利發明專利20餘項,此類技術實現了運用纖維微觀體系基礎理論對纖維集合體材料的結構研究、功能化設計和應用開發,所開發的功能性紡織面料以及生物醫用紡織品,具有創新性、實用價值和市場前景。
1. Xinzhe Zhao, Jing Gao et al., Collagen/Polyethylene oxide nanofibrous membranes with improved hemostasis and cytocompatibility for wound dressing, Applied Science Basel, doi:10.3390/app8071226.
2. Jing Gao et al. Preparation and mechanical performance of small- diameter PHBHHx vascular graft by electrospinning, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, doi: 10.1080/ 00914037.2018.1473865.
3. Xiaojie Chen, Jing Gao et al., Fabrication and characterization of novel antibacterial silk sutures with different braiding parameters, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2018, 1-11.
4. Wen Xue, Jing Gao et al., Deformation Mechanisms of Prototype Composite Braided Stent-grafts in Bending Fatigue for Peripheral Artery Application, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Material. 2018, 78, 74-81.
5. Jing Gao, Wandi Li et al., Durable visible-light self-cleaning surfaces imparted by TiO2/SiO2/GO photocatalyst,Textile Research Journal, 2018, DOI: 10.1177/004051 7517750647.
6. Jing Gao, Jun Liu, et al., Micro-nanostructure based Super-hydrophobic Surface on Cotton Fabric,Textile Research Journal. 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0040517517732080.
7. Jing Gao, et al., Water-Stability and Biological Behavior of Electrospun Collagen/PEO Fibers by Environmental Friendly Crosslinking, Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 18(8), 1496-1503.
8. Wandi Li, Jing Gao, Lu Wang, Enhancement of durable photocatalytic properties of cotton/polyester fabrics using TiO2/SiO2 via one step sonosynthesis,Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2017. Vol. 46(8), 1633-1655.
9. Xiaoli Wang, Feng Cheng, Jing Gao et al., Antibacterial wound dressing from chitosan/ polyethylene oxide nanofibers mats embedded silver nanoparticles. Journal of Biological Applications, 2015. 29(8), 1086-1095.
10. Feng Cheng, Jing Gao, Lu Wang, Composite chitosan/poly (ethylene oxide) electrospun nanofibrous mats as a novel wound dressing matric for controlled release of drugs, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(24), 42060.
11. Xiaoqi Li, Na Wang, Gang Fan, Jianyong Yu, Jing Gao et al., Electreted polyetherimide-silica fibrous membranes for enhanced filtration of fine particles, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 439, 12-20
12. Jing Gao, Jianyong Yu, Yizi Ma, Surface Modification of Plasma-pretreated Expanded Poly(tetrafluroethylene) Films by Graft Copolymerization, Surface and Interface Analysis. 2012, 44(5), 578-583
13. Jing Gao, Jianyong Yu, Cong Li, Chemical Modification of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Membrane and Its Application to Milk Purification, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2010, 11 (1), 37-41
14. Yuqing Liu, Jing Gao et al., Soft Contact of Fibrous Surface, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2010, 11 (1), 71-79
15. Jing Gao et al., Compression Behavior Evaluation of Single Down Fiber and Down Fiber Assemblies. Journal of the Textile Institute. 2010,101 (3), 253-260
16. Jing Gao, Ning Pan, Weidong Yu, Fractal Character Forecast of Down Assembly Microstructure. Journal of the Textile Institute. 2009, 100 (6), 539-544
17. Jing Gao et al., Explanation of Fractal Characteristic of Goose Down Configurations. Textile Research Journal. 2009, 79 (12), 1142-1147
18. Jing Gao, Ning Pan, Weidong Yu, Structures and Properties of the Goose Down as a Material for Thermal Insulation. Textile Research Journal. 2007, 77 (8), 617-626
19. Jing Gao et al., Golden Mean and Fractal Dimension of Goose Down. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2007, 8 (1), 113-116
20. Jing Gao et al., Fractal Approach to Goose Down Structure. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2006, 7(1), 113-116專利專著
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2. 鄒婷, 徐睿, 王璐, 王富軍,李彥,關國平,高晶,孫紅蕊. 一種梭形大網孔超輕量型各向異性疝修補片. 申請号:201620417558.4,申請人:402永利,實用新型,授權時間:2017.5.24,專利号:ZL201620417558.4。
3. 高晶,李婉迪,王璐. 一種長效光催化自清潔織物的制備方法,公開号:CN104631094A,申請人:402永利,中國發明專利,授權時間:2016.10.12,專利号:ZL 201510043984.6.
4. 高晶, 王曉麗, 王璐, 程鳳, 劉麗佳. 一種醫用敷料用殼聚糖基超細纖維載體材料的制備方法. 公開号:CN103394114A,申請人:402永利,中國發明專利,授權時間:2016.8.10,專利号:ZL 201310277702.X.
5. 高晶,劉軍,王璐,王富軍,李婉迪,薛海軍,楊自治. 一種自清潔羊毛面料的制備方法,公開号:CN103806262A,申請人:402永利, 凱諾科技股份有限公司,海瀾集團有限公司,中國發明專利,授權時間:2016.8.17,專利号:ZL 201410041217.7.
6. 高晶,程鳳,王璐,田順珠,徐海燕. 殼聚糖基載藥複合抗菌超細纖維膜的制備方法,申請人:402永利,中國發明專利,授權時間:2016.6.8,專利号:ZL 201410163224.4.
7. 高晶,李婉迪,王璐,劉軍,湯宏宇,一種光催化自清潔口罩的制備方法,申請人:402永利,中國發明專利,授權時間:2015.12.2,專利号:ZL 201410219837.5.
8. 高晶,王璐,程鳳,王曉麗,孫立軍. 一種醫用敷料用核-殼結構超細纖維載體材料的制備方法,申請人:402永利,中國發明專利,授權時間:2015.5.13,專利号:ZL 201310670565.6.
9. 高晶,王璐,劉軍,張斌,薛海軍,楊自治,胡曉峰. 一種超疏水織物的連續化處理設備,申請人:402永利, 凱諾科技股份有限公司,中國發明專利,授權時間:2015.1.21,專利号:ZL 201310092746.5.
10. 劉軍,高晶,王璐,李婉迪,薛海軍.測試面料表面滑動角的簡易裝置,申請人:402永利,海瀾之家股份有限公司,實用新型,授權時間:2015.2.25,專利号:ZL 201420577486.0.
11. 印霞,高晶. 一種測量生物活體與物體間粘附力的測力裝置及測試方法,申請人:402永利,中國發明專利,授權時間:2013.1.16,專利号:ZL 200810203235.5.
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14. 徐天桂,梅自強,俞建勇,王學利,高晶,徐炜,馬一梓,張乃扣. 一種膜濾材的複合工藝及裝備, 申請人:江蘇闳業機械有限公司,中國發明專利,授權時間:2011.3.30,專利号:ZL 200810025351.2.