1. 主持“功能性面料技術研發”、“新型羽絨保暖材料的研發”等企業委托項目5項
2. 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“基于滲流理論的中空纖維多孔材料内外耦合傳熱機理研究”(2020.1-2022.12)
3. 主持中央高校基本科研業務專項“防寒服熱能耗散機理和熱舒适性設計理論研究” (2019.1-2021.12)
4. 主持402永利青年教師啟動資助項目“可變形暖體假人的開發” (2018.1-2019.1)
1. Zhang H, Zhao T, Chen Y, Hu X, Xu Y, Xu G, Wang F, Wang J*, Shen H*. A sustainable nanocellulose-based superabsorbent from kapok fiber with advanced oil absorption and recyclability. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2021: 118948.
2. Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhu H, Wang F, Xu G, Shen H*, Wang J*. Multiscale kapok/cellulose aerogels for oil absorption: The study on structure and oil absorption properties. Industrial Crops and Product. 2021, 171: 113902.
3. Shen H, An Y, Zhang H, Wang F, He Y, Wang J, Tu L. 3D numerical investigation of the heat and flow transfer through cold protective clothing based on CFD. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021, 175: 121305.
4. Zhang H, Wang J, Xu G, Xu Y, Shen H*. Ultralight, hydrophobic, sustainable, cost-effective and floating kapok/microfibrillated cellulose aerogels as speedy and recyclable oil superabsorbents. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 406: 124758.
5. An Y Y, Tu L X, Shen H*, Xu G*, et al. Numerical simulation and validation on heat transfer of four structures of sleeping bag. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 129: 105707.
6. Zhang H, Xu G, Wang F, Su S, Wang J*, Shen H*. A theoretical and experimental study of oil wicking behavior via “green” superabsorbent. Cellulose, 2021: 1-13
7. Wang J, Zhang X, Wang A, Luo L*, Shen H*. The synthesis and simulations of solvent-responsive bilayer hydrogel, Polymer, 2020: 122801.
8. Shen H, Xu Y, Wang F, Wang J, Tu L. Numerical analysis of heat and flow transfer in porous textiles-Influence of wind velocity and air permeability. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 155: 106432.
9. Tu L, Shen H*, Wang F*. A Novel Method and Parameters for Evaluating Thermal Sensation of Textile. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2020, 148: 105994.
10. Huang W, Xu G, Shen H*. Structure and properties of sewing thread made of modified polyphenylene sulfide and polytetrafluoroethylene. Materials Research Express.2020, 6(12): 125117.