



[3]主持,柔性織物硬挺風格原位組合表征及建模,2010年度高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金資助課題(新教師類),教育部,2011.1 - 2013. 12





[1]Ming Li, Yuanxin Wu, Chaoyu Chen, Zhaoqun Du*, Characterization of plantar   press-comfort performance of warp-knitted spacer fabrics, Textile Research   Journal, 2018, 88(4):357-366.(SCI)

[2]Chaoyu Chen, Zhaoqun Du*, Weidong Yu, Tialk Dias,   Analysis of physical properties and structure design of weft-knitted spacer   fabric with high porosity, Textile Research Journal, 2018, 88(1):59-68 (SCI)

[3]Fengxin Sun, Zhaoqun Du,   Maryam Naebe, Determination of model parameters for predicting handle characteristics   of wool-rich suiting woven fabrics based on the Wool HandleMeter and KES-F,   The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2017, 109(2): 147-159.

[4]Chaoyu Chen, Junli Chen, Fengxin   Sun, Huijuan Yang, Zhijun Lv, Qihong Zhou, Zhaoqun Du*, Weidong Yu,   Study of the vibration transmission property of warp-knitted spacer fabrics   under forced sinusoidal excitation vibration, Textile Research Journal, 2017:   0040517517690630.

[5]Zhaoqun Du*, Ming Li, Yuanxin Wu, Linge He,   Analysis of spherical compression performance of warp-knitted spacer fabrics,   Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2017, 46(6): 1362-1378.

[6]Fengxin Sun, Chaoyu Chen, Sai   Liu, Huanhuan Jin, Linge He, Zhaoqun Du*, Weidong Yu, Simulative   analysis of the bending property of woven fabric by the comprehensive handle   evaluation system for fabrics and yarns, Textile Research Journal, 2017,   87(16):1977-1990.

[7]Weidong Yu, Wenya Xie,   Zhaoqun Du*, Structure of the right-handed helical crystal ribbon and   multilevel fibrils in a tube fiber from a coir fiber, Cellulose, 2016, 23(5):   2841-2852

[8]Zhaoqun Du*, Yuanxin Wu, Yunmei Wu, and Linge He, Determination of pressure indices to   characterize the pressure-relief property of spacer fabric based on a   pressure pad system, Textile Research Journal, 2016,   86(13):1443-1451(SCI)

[9]Zhaoqun Du*, Ming Zhou, Hongling Liu, Linge He,Study on   negative Poisson's ratio of auxetic yarn under tension: Part II-Experimental   verification, Textile Research Journal, 2015, 85(7), 768-774 . (SCI)

[10]Zhaoqun Du*, Ruiqiang Gao, Tianxian Zhou, and Linge He,   Determination of Featured Parameters to cluster stiffness handle of fabrics   by the CHES-FY system, Fibers and Polymers, 2013, 14(10), 1768-1775 (SCI)

[11]Zhaoqun Du, Hong Hu, A study of spherical compression   properties of knitted spacer fabrics;part II: comparison with experiments, Textile   Research Journal, 83(8), 794-799, 2013(SCI, WOS:000317935800003)

[12]Zhaoqun Du*, Yun Xu, Weidong Yu, Characterization of   Structure and Properties of Polylactic Fiber, Journal of Applied Polymer   Science, 125(2), 149-157, 2012.(SCI, EI)

[13]Zhaoqun Du*, Weidong Yu, Hiroyuki Hamada, Analysis of   structure and bending property of spacer fabric composites, Industrial   Textila, 2011, 62(2), 64-71(SCI)

[14]Zhaoqun Du, bingang Xu, Weidong Yu, Theoretical study on   the bending rigidity of filament yarns with an elliptical cross section using   energy method. II. Numerical Evaluation, Fibers and Polymers, 2010,   11(7):1062-1066 (SCI)
















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