

1. 國家重點研發計劃“入境重要消費品回用材料風險因子識别關鍵技術研究”,主持,2022.10—2025.9,50萬

2. 中國紡織工業聯合會應用基礎研究項目“新型高效環錠紡紗技術及其基礎理論研究”,主持,2018.01-2022.12,20萬

3. 上海市科技攻關項目“輸“一帶一路”沿線國家紡織品風險評估及其安全項目技術标準的研究”,主持,2018.04-2022.12,20萬

4. 企業項目“基于數據驅動的健康消費品設計與營銷創新方法”,主持,2022.1—2025.12,100萬

5. 企業項目“色紡紗關鍵技術及其産業化”,主持,2019.12-2022.12,100萬


1、Sudao Zhang, Wenliang Xue*, Yongshan Gao, Weijian Kong, Shanshan He. Spinning joint scheduling strategy and its optimization method based on data and empirical knowledge. Textile Research Journal, 2023, 93(5–6) 1287–1300

2、安亦錦,薛文良*,丁亦,張順連. 基于圖像處理的紡織品耐摩擦色牢度評級. 紡織學報,2022,43(12):131-137 

3、楊争妍,薛文良*,張傳雄,丁亦,馬顔雪.   基于生成式對抗網絡的用戶下裝搭配推薦. 紡織學報,2021, 42(07):164-168.

4、周俊妍,薛文良*,魏孟媛,劉蘊瑩,錢競芳,丁亦. 基于在線評論的服裝質量特征挖掘方法. 402永利學報(自然科學版),2021,47(05):68-73

5、Xue, W., Wei, M., Zheng, Y., Qian, J., Chen, G., & Ding, Y*. Study on the threshold range of polyester ratio for polyester/viscose blended fabrics based on cognitive psychology. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2021,112(07):1120-1128.

6、Yanxue Ma , Wenliang Xue*, Mengyuan Wei , Jingfang Qian. QUICK DETECTION OF ALDEHYDES AND KETONES IN AUTOMOTIVE TEXTILES. AUTEX Research Journal,2021, 21(02): 192-197

7、Shanshan He, Yi Qian, Wenliang Xue*, Longdi Cheng. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF FLOW FIELD IN AIR-JET LOOM MAIN NOZZLE. AUTEX Research Journal, 2019,19(2):181-190

8、Shanshan He, Wenliang Xue*, Ge Chen, Longdi Cheng. Experimental investigation and simulation of the performance of a pre-twister based on the jet vortex field used for the ring spinning frame. Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(21-22): 4647-4657

9、張蘇道,薛文良*,魏孟媛,周黃鹂. 眼動儀在服裝面料色彩視覺評價中的應用. 紡織學報,2019,40(3):139-145

10、Chenchen Han, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng, Zhuanyong Zou. Theoretical analysis of the yarn fracture mechanism of self-twist jet vortex spinning. Textile Research Journal, 2017,11: 1394-1402


1. 竺韻德,俞建勇,薛文良. 集聚紡紗原理. 中國紡織出版社,2010年

2. 錢競芳,劉蘊瑩,薛文良,魏孟媛. 紡織服裝進出口操作指南. 中國紡織出版社,2019年

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