GUAN Guoping, Ph D of Engineering, associate professor. Member of Textile Institute、Chinese society for biomaterials、Shanghai society of biomedical engineering. Reviewer for Textile Research Journal、Fibers and Polymers、IEEE and so on. Key research fields include biomedical textiles and biological evaluation.
lintroduction to biology and medicine for undergraduates major in biomedical textiles and technology
lbiomedical textiles
lbiomedical textiles and technology
lfabrication and evaluation to biomedical textiles
ltissu engineering
l專業前沿課progress in biomaterials
education and employment
2012.9 to today, Donghua university, associate professor
2011.9-2012.8, Donghua university, lecturer
2009.9-2011.8,Donghua university, postdoc
2006.9-2009.6,Soochow university, Ph D
2003.9-2006.6,Southwest university, master of science, cellular biology
1999.9-2003.6,Southwest university, bachelor of agriculture, veterinarian
Key research fields
ldesign and fabrication of biomedical materials
lbiological evaluation to biomaterials
lsurface and intersurface of biomaterials, modification and test, interaction between biomaterials and biological environment
l主持2011年402永利中央高校基本科研業務費(追加)專項基金重點項目1項,仿真環境下絲滌小口徑人造血管與血管内皮細胞相互作用機制研究,項目編号:2011D1180118, 30萬,2011.10-2012.10 ;
l主持中國博士後科學基金面上項目資助1項,3 萬,編号:20100480570;
l主持402永利青年教師科研啟動基金項目1項,具抗凝血及促内皮化雙功能小徑人造血管的制備,2009.10-2011.09, 2萬, 項目編号:101-10-0044019 ;
l主持紡織面料教育部重點實驗室開放課題1項,絲滌混構小徑管狀織物的成型及其結構調控,1.5萬,2011.10-2012-10,項目編号:P1103 ;
l作為主要研究人員申請并參與2010年上海市科學技術委員會非政府間國際合作項目1項,輔助體内血管原位再生的纖維集合體小徑人造血管,2010.7 -2012.7,15萬,項目編号:10520706600;
l作為主要研究人員申請并參與2010年博士點基金(博導類)1項,項目編号:20100075110001,6萬,2011.1-2013.12 ;
published paper
1.M. Fazley ELAHI, Guoping GUAN and Lu WANG. Improved Hemocompatibility of Silk Fibroin Fabric Using Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Deposition and Heparin Immobilization. J. App. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131,40772 (SCI)2014.4.14 DOI: 10.1002/app.40772
2.M. Fazley ELAHI, Guoping GUAN and Lu WANG. Influence of layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte deposition and EDC/NHS activated heparin immobilization onto silk fibroin fabric. Materials. 2014, 7(4), 2956-2977 (SCI) 收錄号000336091400028
3.M. Fazley ELAHI, Guoping GUAN and Lu WANG. Hemocompatibility of surface modified silk fibroin materials: a review. Reviews on Advnanced Materials Science Journal. Reviews on Advnanced Materials Science Journal. 2014 (38) :148-159(SCI)2011年影響因子0.915,2014.2.18Vol38N2 Oct Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci.
6.陳肖會,關國平,王璐,環氧化合物交聯明膠水凝膠的制備及表征,生物醫學工程學進展,2014, 35(1) :18-22
8.GUAN Guo-ping(關國平),Md. Fazley Elahi, WANG Lu(王璐), SHEN Gao-tian(沈高天), CHEN Xiao-hui(陳肖會), ZHOU Hao(周浩), XU Rui(徐睿), Promoted Cytocompatibility of Silk Fibroin Fiber Vascular Graft through Chemical Grafting with Bioactive Molecules, Journal of Donghua University ( Eng. Ed. ) Vol. 30, No. 5 (2013) :362-366(EI)
9.YANG Xiao-yuan(楊小元), WANG Lu(王璐), GUAN Guo-ping(關國平), GUAN Ying(關穎), KING W Martin. Preparation and mechanical performance of blended polyester/silk small diameter arterial prostheses. Journal of Donghua University ( Eng. Ed. ) Vol. 30, No. 5 (2013) :356-358(EI)
10.Guoping Guan, Lu Wang, Mingzhong Li and Lun Bai, In vivo biodegradation of porous silk fibroin films implanted beneath the skin and muscle of the rat, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 24 (2014) 789–797(SCI)
13.Elahi MF, Lu W, Guoping G, Khan F (2013) Core-shell Fibers for biomedical Applications-A Review. J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci 3: 121. doi:10.4172/2155-9538.1000121
14.Xiaoyuan Yang, Lu Wang*, Guoping Guan, Martin W. King, Yuling Li, Lei Peng, Ying Guan, Xingyou Hu. Preparation and evaluation of bicomponent and homogeneous polyester silk small diameter arterial prostheses. Journal of Biomaterials Applications. 2014, Vol 28(5) 676–687 DOI: 10.1177/0885328212472216 (SCI, 二區)
15.YANG Xiaoyuan, WANG Lu, GUAN Guoping, et al. What is the Optimum Cover Factor? Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013(302), 292-297. (EI 收錄)
16.YANG Xiao-yuan, WANG Lu, GUAN Guo-ping, Peng Lei et al, Fabrication and mechanical evaluation of woven silk-polyester blended small diameter prototype arterial prostheses, 2012 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials. 216-220, 2012 (ISTP).
17.Peng Lei, WANG Lu, GUAN Guo-ping, YANG Xiao-yuan et al, Degumming of woven silk/polyester prototype vascular graft, 2012 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials. 185-190, 2012 (ISTP).
18.YANG Xiao-yuan, GUAN Guo-ping, WANG Lu, Peng Lei, WANG Yin-yan, WANG Yu-hua, ZHAN Quan, LI Yu-ling, Martin W KING, Preparation and Evaluation of Prototype of Woven Small-caliber Artificial Blood Vessels, 2011 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 2011:433-437(ISTP)
19.ZHAN Quan, GUAN Guo-ping, YANG Xiao-yuan, PENG Lei, WANG Qi, WANG Lu, Robert GUIDOIN, Plasma and Ultraviolet Irradiation Initiated Grafting Treatment of PET, 2011 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 2011:194-200(ISTP)
20.PENG Lei, GUAN Guo-ping, ZHAN Quan, YANG Xiao-yuan, WANG Lu, ZHOU Hao, Preliminary Study on Heparin-immobilization of Silk Fibroin Fibers. 2011 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 2011:161-165(ISTP)
21.DAI Hong-qin(戴宏欽), BAI Lun(白倫), ZHAN Kui-hua(詹葵花), SUN Zi-ling(孫自玲), GUAN Guo-ping(關國平), Computer Simulation of Random Packing of Spherical Particles in Two Dimensions, Journal of Donghua University ( Eng, Ed.) 2011, Vol. 28 (1):31-34(EI)
22.Guoping Guan, Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Mingzhong Li, Zhengyu Wu, Yonglin Li and Lu Wang, Promoted Dermis Healing from Full-thickness Skin Defect by Porous Silk Fibroin Scaffolds (PSFSs), Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 2010(20) :295-308(SCI).
23.Guoping Guan, Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Mingzhong Li, Zhengyu Wu, Lu Wang, Yonglin Li, Distinct Tissue Responses to Porous Silk Fibroin Scaffolds (PSFSs) and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Sponges in vivo, IEEE, The 3rd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010) and the 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2010), 2010(4) :1668-1672 (EI).
24.Guoping GUAN, Lun BAI, Baoqi ZUO, Mingzhong LI, Zilin SUN, Zhengyu WU, Neovascularization of Porous Silk Fibroin Films (PSFFs) as Dermis Substitutes Implanted in Rats, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 610-613 (2009) pp 1113-1119 (EI).
25.Guoping Guan, Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Mingzhong Li, Zhengyu Wu, Yonglin Li, Scaffolds Decorated by in vivo Environment Improve Cell Proliferation and Wound Healing, IEEE, The 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing &The 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2009(3): 1151-1156 (EI).
26.Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Guoping Guan, Lixing Dai, Yongzhen Chen, Zhenyu Zhou, Jianmei Xu, Zhenyu Wu: On the Growth Morphous of the Capillaries and Tissue in the Porous Silk Fibroin Films, Front.Mater.Sci.China, 2008, 2(3):266-270. (EI)
27.Kui-hua Zhan, Lun Bai, Guo-ping Guan and Hong-qin Dai, Characterization of Angiogenesis during Skin Wound Repair by Porous Silk Fibroin Film, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 175-176:181-185 (EI).
28.Bai Lun, Xu Jianmei, Sun Qilong, Di Chuanxia, Zuo Baoqi, Guan Guoping, Wu Zhengyu, Density of Capillaries and the Oxygen Diffusion Model in the Porous Silk Fibroin Film, Front. Mater. Sci. China, 2007, 1(3): 237-242. (EI)
29.Sun ZiLing, Bai Lun, Guan GuoPing, Zhuan KuiHua, Dai HongQin, Protein Adsorption and Biocompatibility of Porous Silk Fiboin Films, IEEE for The 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing & The 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2009(3): 1143-1146 (EI).
30.Kuihua ZHAN, Lun BAI, Hongqin DAI, Guoping GUAN, Ziling SUN, The Models and Oxygen Distribution of Two-dimensional Capillary Network, Proceedings of the 5th China-Japan Conference on Mechatronics 2008, August 23, 2008, Atsugi, Japan (ISTP).
31.關國平,潘敏慧,魯成,一種家蠶卵巢原代細胞制作方法探索,西南農業大學學報,2006, (02): 326-328.
32.關國平,潘敏慧,陳敏,魯成,家蠶胚胎細胞系(BmE-SWU2)同工酶的研究,蠶業科學,2006, (01): 110-113.
33.謝敏,關國平,劉輝鳳,伍冬平,白倫,血管新生及絲蛋白材料血管化過程,現代生物醫學進展, 2009, 9(08): 1551-1554.
34.柴春利,錢平,關國平,徐偉,李文學,夏慶友,魯成,家蠶vasa基因的結構及表達研究,蠶業科學,2006, (04): 469-476.
3.關國平,沈高天,王璐,王富軍,胡星友,徐睿,黃健濤,一種管道器官澆注成型裝置及其使用方法,中國發明專利,申請号:201410218617.0,申請日期:2014年5月22日;公開号:CN 103989537,公開日:2014年8月20日;
4.關國平,王璐,沈高天,王富軍,胡星友,徐睿,黃健濤,管狀纖維集合體增強管道器官澆注成型裝置及其使用方法,中國發明專利,申請号:201410219839.4,申請日期:2014年5月22日;公開号:CN 103989538,公開日:2014年8月20日;
5.關國平,王璐,楊小元,湛權,李毓陵,彭蕾,周浩,王銀雁,一種三層機織小口徑人造血管及其制備方法,中國發明專利,申請号:201110142604.6,申請日期:2011年5月30日;公開号:CN102212918A,公開日: 2011年10月12日;專利号 ZL 2011 1 0142604.6
6.楊小元,關國平,周浩,王宇骅,何南霏,王璐,一種變速式水平給紗機,中國實用新型,授權專利号:ZL 2011 2 0177639.9,授權日期:2012年2月1日;
7.楊小元,王璐,周浩,關國平等,一種一體成型三層機織仿真人造血管,中國發明專利,授權專利号:ZL 2011 1 0142605.0,授權日期:2012年11月07日;
8.王璐,沈高天,林婧,關國平,王富軍,金馬汀,人造血管體外模拟彎折疲勞老化裝置及其測試方法,中國發明專利,專利号:ZL 2011 1 0049112.2,申請日期:2011年3月1日。授權公告日:2013年4月3日;
9.王璐,陳方,王文祖,尚亞峰,鄒婷,王富軍,周君梅,謝華,關國平等,一種可逐步降解的編織型輸尿管支架管及其制備方法. 發明專利申請号:201110241408.4,申請日期:2011年8月。專利号:ZL 2011 1 0241408.4 授權公告日:2014年04月16日
10.王璐,劉冰,林婧,王富軍,關國平,金馬汀. 腔内隔絕術用人造血管扭轉疲勞模拟裝置及其測試方法,授權專利号:ZL 201210001843.4,發明專利申請号201210001843.4,申請日期:2011年1月 5日,申請人:402永利,公開号:102564877A,公開日: 2012年7月11日;
11.林婧,王璐,付譯鋆,王富軍,關國平,管曉甯,宋戈,杜佳,陳基揚. 微創血管支架扭轉彎折疲勞模拟裝置及其測試方法,發明專利申請号:201210546550.4 ,申請日期:2012年12月14日,申請人:402永利;
12.王璐,楊小元,李毓陵,關國平,關穎. 一種機織人造血管的制備方法,發明專利申請号:201210445091.0,申請日期:2012年11月8日,申請人:402永利。發明專利公開号:CN102920531A,公開日:2013年2月13日。
13.王璐、沈高天、關國平、王富軍、金馬汀。一種管狀纖維基人造血管塗層/接枝裝置及使用方法。發明專利申請号: 201310459942.1,申請日期:2013年9月27日。申請人:402永利。發明專利公開号:CN 103498308A,公開日:2014 年01月 08日
l參編《生物醫用紡織品》第2章醫用紡織品的生物學基礎,主編王璐,Martin W KING,2011年11月,北京:中國紡織出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5064-7889-2;
international communications
1.Guoping Guan, Lu Wang, Mingzhong Li and Lun Bai, In vivo biodegradation of porous silk fibroin films implanted under the skin and muscle of the rat, The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB 2013), 11-13 Oct. 2013, Wuhan.
2.Guoping Guan, Md. Fazley Elahi, Lu Wang*, Gaotian Shen, Xiaohui Chen, Hao Zhou, Rui Xu, Promoted Cytocompatibility of Silk Fibroin Fiber Vascular Graft through Chemical Grafting with Bioactive Molecules, MedTex13, North Carolina State University, North Carolina State, US, May 13-15 2013
3.Guoping Guan, Lu Wang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Quan Zhan, Lei Peng and Martin W. King. Fabrication and Biocompatibility Assessment of Woven Silk Fibroin and Polyester (PET) Small Diameter Prototype Vascular Prostheses. the 9th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC), June 1-5, 2012, Chengdu, China(Accepted)
4.Guoping GUAN, Lu WANG, Quan ZHAN, Xiaoyuan YANG, Yuling LI, Robert GUIDOIN, Martin W. KING, Cellular compatibility and hemocompatibility of a silk fibroin-PET based small diameter vascular graft, International Conference on Fibrous Products in Medical and Health Care(FiberMed11), Tampere, Finland, June 28-30, 2011, oral presentation.
5.GUAN Guoping, YANG Xiaoyuan, ZHAN Quan, WANG Lu, LI Yuling, WANG Fujun, Robert Guidoin, Martin W. KING, A Novel Silk Fibroin and PET Blended Textile for Small Diameter Vascular Graft, The Textile Institute Centenary World Conference Textiles: a Global Vision, 3 & 4 November 2010, Manchester, UK, Oral presentation;
6.Guoping Guan, Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Mingzhong Li, Zhengyu Wu, Lu Wang, Yonglin Li, Distinct Tissue Responses to Porous Silk Fibroin Scaffolds (PSFSs) and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Sponges in vivo, The 3rd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010) and the 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2010), 16-18 October 2010, Yantai, China, Oral presentation;
7.關國平, 許建梅, 詹葵華, 戴宏欽, 孫自玲, 左保齊, 李明忠, 王富軍, 王璐, 白倫, 一種評價生物材料體内降解速率的方法,2010 CCBM-全國生物材料大會, 4月15-18日,成都,口頭報告;
8.Guan Guo Ping, Bai Lun, Xu Jian Mei, Zhan Kui Hua, Dai Hong Qin, Sun Zi Ling, A Semi-quantitive Method for Evaluating Degradation Rate of Degradable Biomaterials, The 2nd China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine, 16-20th November 2009, Barcelona, Palau de la Música Catalana, el Petit Palau, Accepted as poster ;
9.Guoping Guan, Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Mingzhong Li, Zhengyu Wu, Yonglin Li, Scaffolds Decorated by in vivo Environment Improve Cell Proliferation and Wound Healing, The 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 17-19 October 2009, Tianjin, China, Oral presentation ;
10.Guoping Guan, Lun Bai, Baoqi Zuo, Mingzhong Li, Zhengyu Wu, Yonglin Li, Distinct tissue responses to porous silk fibroin scaffolds (PSFSs) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) sponges in vivo, The 5th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009) and International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2009), 28 June-3 July 2009, Singapore, Oral representation;
11.關國平, 李明忠, 左保齊, 吳徵宇, 李永林, 白倫, 絲素蛋白基人工皮膚修複大鼠缺損真皮的效果觀察, 第六屆全國創傷修複與組織再生會議,2008年10月,口頭報告,獲得優秀論文獎;
12.Guoping GUAN, Lun BAI, Baoqi ZUO, Mingzhong LI, Zilin SUN, Zhengyu WU, Neovascularization of Porous Silk Fibroin Films (PSFFs) as Dermis Substitutes Implanted in Rats, MRS International Materials Research Conference, 2008.06, Chongqing. Oral presentation ;
13.International Forum on Textile Science and Engineering for Doctoral Candidates, 2006.11, Donghua University, Shanghai.
contact me
Tel:086-021-67792686 (office telephone number )
Room: 5020(college of textiles)